Friday, June 5, 2015

Fw: Capgemini FSGBU Form 16 - Fy2014-2015

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"" <>
Date:Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 2:25 pm
Subject:Capgemini FSGBU Form 16 - Fy2014-2015


Enclosed herewith is your Form-16 for the financial year 2014-2015 which is digitally signed in PDF format. The Form 16 format is as per statute and does not reflect the Tax refund details as a separate line item. The difference between 'Tax Deducted' (top right corner of the first page) and 'Tax Payable' (Row no.16, of the second page) will be your refund amount if any.

The enclosed Form-16 file is password protected. The password to open the Form-16 is your 10 digits PAN followed by your date of birth (DDMMYYYY). For example: if your PAN is ABCDE1234F and date of birth is 17-Sep-1983, then the password is ABCDE1234F17091983. If you do not have the PAN, then the password to open Form-16 is your date of birth in DDMMYYYY format.

It is important to validate the digital signature of the Form-16. The digital signature exists at the bottom of page. To check the validity / authenticity of the digital signature, please download the Form 16 on to your hard disk & follow the signature validation process (view Trusting Digital enclosed, depending on the adobe version installed in your system.

--> Part A - As downloaded from TRACES (web based portal of Income Tax Department to administer tax reconciliation) which has the details of your TDS deducted in the FY 14-15. Further please note that, Part A will not get generated on TRACES where there has been no income tax deduction in this financial year, or, if there's no valid PAN for an individual.

Your name & address in the Form-16 is as per the address mentioned by you while applying your PAN which cannot be changed either by employer or payroll vendor.

In case of change in the address, you are required to do the address correction in PAN database by logging on to

--> Part B - Form 16 as prepared by your employer which has the details of salary paid in FY 14-15.

--> Part A will reflect 'Gross Salary pertaining to the months where there has been a tax deduction, while Part B of the Form 16 will reflect the total 'Gross Salary for the year.  For e.g. if an employee has tax deduction in one of the months, only that relevant month's income details will reflect in Part A, while Form 16 will capture the annual Gross Salary.

Please send your Form-16 related queries if any to and don't write directly to the e-mail Id updated in the Part-A of the Form 16.

Please do save your Form 16 copy for any future reference without fail.

Excelity Global (formerly AonHewitt) on behalf of Capgemini FSGBU